The Blog
Prenatal Appointments Are Not Childbirth Education: Understanding the Difference
When you’re expecting a baby, there’s a lot of information to take in. You might assume that the prenatal appointments with your medical provider—or the meetings with your doula—are enough to prepare you for birth. While these appointments are incredibly valuable, they are not a substitute for a comprehensive childbirth education course. Understanding the differences can help you make informed decisions about your birth experience.
Community Events
My friend and colleague, Dr. Sam from The Educated Pelvis is hosting a couple of free community gatherings that I’m excited to share with you.
Will You Share Your Due Date?
One of the first questions that expectant parents face is whether or not to share their due date with others. While it might seem like a straightforward choice, there are several factors to consider before making this decision.
Using the BRAINS Decision-Making Tool for Your Birth
There are SO many questions related to pregnancy, labor, and birth. Each question is an opportunity to make proactive choices for yourself and baby. Using the BRAINS decision-making tool can help you navigate pregnancy and birth decisions.
The Power of Birth Affirmations
Throughout the journey of pregnancy and childbirth, there are many opportunities to cultivate a positive mindset and embrace the transformative experience you’re currently in as well as the transformation ahead. Among the various tools available to expectant parents, birth affirmations are one of my favorite go-to’s because they can nurture confidence, strength, and resilience throughout labor and delivery.
More Labor Comfort Techniques
For many birthing people, the prospect of labor can be daunting, filled with uncertainties and discomforts. In this blog post, we'll explore the benefits of utilizing abdominal lifts, counter pressure, TENS (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation) units, and squats to enhance comfort during labor.
It’s Okay Not to Be Okay
A blog post validating the range of emotions someone might experience during pregnancy, even the not-so-great ones.
Labor Comfort Techniques for a Positive Birth Experience
Labor and childbirth can be both beautiful and challenging and while it is a natural process, it often comes with discomfort and pain. In this blog post, we'll explore some effective labor comfort techniques that can help expectant folks navigate through labor with more ease and confidence.
5 (More) Questions to Ask Your Provider After Birth
When it comes to your body and your health, always speak up. Take up space and request the time and respect from your providers that you deserve. Never feel shy about asking questions to fully take control of your health. No one will be as good an advocate as you can be for yourself.
5 Questions to Ask Your Provider After Birth
Whenever you go in for your postpartum appointment, I have some questions to consider asking various postpartum care providers to make sure you don’t lose yourself in the dizzying fog that is life with a newborn.
Communication In Childbirth
The words/language that we use have power. This is true in daily life, but it is especially important to remember in the midst of labor and childbirth.
The Importance of Childbirth Education
Childbirth education is a must. Especially if you're giving birth in the hospital.
Sharing Our Birth Experiences
A birthing person’s psychological experience of childbirth matters. Every story matters. Whether someone labored unmedicated for 36 hours or they scheduled an elective cesarean or something in between, there’s great importance in making space for birth stories to be shared, truly listened to, and validated.
Dr. Gabby on Pregnancy Loss
For the final blog post from this month’s Community Partner, Dr. Gabby, some tender thoughts on pregnancy loss from her perspective as a care provider. On a whim, I asked her if she’d given the topic much thought or if she’d ever written a piece on it in the past.