The Blog
Life After Birth: A Book Review
Do yourself a favor and look for this at your local bookstore, library, or somewhere online. It’s a gift to yourself and would be a great gift for someone thinking about being pregnant or for someone already with child. If you read it, please let me know what you think!
Good Moms Have Scary Thoughts: A Book Review
It's true, they do. I'm a good mom, I had (and sometimes still have) scary thoughts. My friends are good moms, my clients are good moms, and they've had thoughts that have been troubling to them too.
The First Forty Days: A Book Review
This book is as beautiful to read through as it is thoughtfully curated to encourage all of us to slow down and really care for ourselves well.
The Fourth Trimester: A Book Review
This is one of the most-recommended books of all the books I recommend! Sure, there’s great importance in preparing for childbirth and making a list of things you want/don’t want.
Nine Golden Months: A Book Review
Nourishing the mother-to-be. How often have you heard of this concept? How often do you see it played out? My guess to the answer to both of those questions is at best - not enough.
The Birth Partner: A Book Review
Last summer I had clients who were expecting their child and used this book like a textbook to prepare for the birth of their son.
Transformed by Birth: A Book Review
When you’re expecting a child, especially your first child, you are inundated with more information and tons of unsolicited advice about just how to go through pregnancy, labor, and childbirth.
Nurture: A Book Review
If you’ve had a conversation with me about books, you’ve probably heard me proclaim my love for the Columbus Metropolitan Library system.
Baby Catcher: A Book Review
Peggy Vincent’s Baby Catcher: Chronicles of a Modern Midwife was the first birthy book I read where things really began to click into place for me and I started to believe that birth could, and likely would, look really differently for me whenever my time came.
Stress Awareness Month: Book Recommendations
When I learned that there was a Stress Awareness Month it made me feel… a little stressed! Sometimes it seems like there’s a new awareness day/week/month every time I turn around and I can hardly keep up!