I’ve Got Big News to Share!

Some folks might not know that before I was a labor doula, I got certified as a childbirth educator.

At that time, I was a stay-at-home mom to my two children, and while I would’ve loved to dive straight into doula work, being on call wasn’t going to be sustainable for me in the long run.

Teaching childbirth education was an easy on-ramp for me into the birth world that I’d been obsessed with for decades. It was a way for me to channel that obsession into a productive thing that could help others.

Since taking that leap more than eight years ago, I’ve consumed countless hours of additional knowledge in the form of CEUs, workshops, and weekend-long trainings. I’ve read more books than I can remember about the process of birth, the power of birthing bodies, and the transformation that takes place as a new life enters the world. I even chose to re-certify with a completely different organization just so I could get a new perspective and be a more well-rounded educator.

I can’t stress this point enough: When I tell you I’m ALL about birth, I reaaaaaaally mean it!

So. You might be thinking to yourself. “Okay, but how does all of this relate to the big announcement you have today?”

I thought you’d never ask!

I’m launching a new online

childbirth education course!

Woo Hoo!


Woo Hoo! 〰️

That’s right! I’m taking my years-long knowledge, experience, and expertise and putting it in a format that you can access from anywhere, at your own pace!

  • Can’t find a childbirth education course that works with your schedule? My course can be taken whenever you have some spare time!

  • Feeling nervous about being in a crowded classroom with a bunch of strangers? My course can be done from the privacy of your own home!

  • Unenthused about the idea of having to wear “real” clothes for any more hours of the day than is societally acceptable? You can take my course while wearing your jammies or whatever feels most comfortable at the moment!

  • Do you work the night shift and all the classes offered in your area take place when you’re at work? My course can be taken any time of the day or night!

In this fast-paced world, people are constantly looking for ways they can be informed and prepared, but do it on their terms. That’s what this course will be for you. It’s information-packed and will help you feel prepared for what it’s like to give birth to your baby!

The course isn’t quite ready yet, but my goal is to have it done by the fall. I just didn’t want to keep this secret any longer and to be honest, it feels pretty great to share it with you right now!

Click the button below if you wanna be one of the first to know when the course has been released - whether for yourself or for someone that you know of who might be interested in this!

My suggestion to clients is that they complete a childbirth education course by the time they’re 36 weeks pregnant at the very latest. I’ve taught some clients who are early in their second trimester though and early education is better than no education as far as I’m concerned!

If you’re interested in my online course, but due before my launch goal, fear not! If schedules align, I could do an in-person class for locals or an online option through Zoom if you’re further away. Click the button below to learn a bit more about the classes that I offer and get on my schedule!

I’m REALLY excited about this, guys, and it feels so good to let the cat outta the bag! I’ve been dreaming of doing something like this for yearrrrs and now I’m so close to that dream being a reality! Thanks for reading all of this and sharing in my excitement. It’s the support and accountability of all of you that helps to keep me moving forward. I am so thankful to get to do what I do and to have the chance to help even more families prepare for their birthing experience through this online course.

If taking a childbirth education course doesn’t pertain to your season of life because you’re not ready for kids yet, you’re done having kids, or you simply don’t know how you feel about having little ones, no worries. Please consider passing this on to someone in your life who might need this convenient, evidence-based, self-paced, information-packed education option.

Stay tuned for more updates in the weeks and months to come!


The Fear-Tension-Pain Cycle in Childbirth


Will You Share Your Due Date?