Babies with Reflux


Featuring Green Living & Wellness this month has been such a joy. I’m really thankful that my path crossed Kellie’s when it did and that Columbus families have the chance to benefit from her expansive knowledge, warm compassion, and infectious smile. We’re closing out the month with a topic that comes up for both of us probably on a weekly basis: infant reflux. Below you’ll read some helpful tips from Kellie’s expert point of view which is just a bit of her full-length blog post that I’ve linked to below. And bonus: there’s a really helpful freebie that goes with this topic that’s available on her blog!

Infant reflux, also known as gastroesophageal reflux (GER), occurs when stomach contents flow back into the baby's esophagus. This can happen during or after feeding, causing the baby to spit up or vomit. While it may be distressing for parents to witness, infant reflux is relatively common and typically resolves on its own as the baby grows and their digestive system matures.

Reflux is "common" but also not normal.

Potential factors that can contribute to infant reflux include:

  1. Overfeeding

  2. Consuming air while feeding

  3. Food allergies or intolerances

  4. Certain medications

The most common symptom of infant reflux is frequent spitting up or vomiting after feeding. However, not all babies with reflux will spit up, and some may experience "silent reflux," which can be more challenging to identify. Other symptoms of infant reflux include:

  1. Irritability during or after feeding

  2. Arching of the back during or after feeding

  3. Poor weight gain or growth

  4. Gagging or choking

  5. Wet burps or hiccups

  6. Frequent waking or difficulty sleeping

Click here to read the rest of this helpful and informative post!


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