Community Partner: On Pregnancy
As you might imagine, the ayurveda approach to pregnancy differs from that of mainstream medicine and ideology. In the best kinds of ways! Today we’ll take a look at how my community partner, Stardust Standard, views pregnancy and shed some light on the encouragement she offers for how to think of this life-changing period in one’s life. You can read her posts here, but below is just a taste of her pregnancy posts as a snippet of the insightful goodness that Marina has to offer.
Notice that you might experience the presence of new elements in the body. Welcome them with curiosity. Allow space to explore what therapies will invite balance into the body.
Maintain relationships around you that cultivate peace and create space around the relationships that bring anxiety, stress, guilt.
Prioritize the relationship you hold with yourself.
Allow curiosity as you discover what it means to live in unity with body-mind and spirit.
You might explore questions, such as:
What are three life lessons I want to share with my child?
What does it mean to be a mother… a father…
What qualities do I most value and wish to be prominent in parenting?